Indoor kindergarten environments

In this part of ECTE – DigiTools, you will meet kindergarten teacher and general manager of Tjodmarka kindergarten, Ragnhild Eielsen Wiig. She talks about – and provides both tools for and examples of – how the kindergarten’s indoor environment can be included as an ‘actor‘ in the pedagogical work that takes place.  

In the academic text 1 ‘Meaning-making in interaction between children and space’, the theoretical concepts Wiig uses in the video are elaborated upon. These provide a good basis for getting started on both the investigation task and the associated assignment. Through the 360° simulator, you are invited to explore selected indoor environments at Tjodmarka kindergarten. The final assignment is a practical task where you will work on developing a model for the physical environment in a kindergarten department.

Video 1: Environments that promote and environments that inhibit

Reflection questions: Name at least two things from this introductory video that grabbed your attention. What was the specific reason why you noticed these things?

Video 2: Facilitating the third teacher as an ‘actor’ based on children’s prerequisites and needs   

Watch the video and read text 1 ‘Meaning-making in interaction between children and space’ before exploring Tjodmarka kindergarten’s indoor environment. 


In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to manoeuvre around and explore Tjodmarka kindergarten. Click on the 360° simulator below to move around and investigate different indoor environments in the kindergarten using the mouse cursor. The various spaces have hotspots, i.e. clickable points, and a set of reflection tasks for academic and analytical reflection. This exploration can be carried out in groups, individually or in a combination of these work methods.

Click here for fullscreen view

Video 3: Planning the physical indoor environment

In this video, you will be given some advice that can be used in this part’s final assignment and in future kindergarten work.


If possible, the assignment should be carried out in groups.

Using a cardboard box, you must design and furnish a model of a kindergarten department that you have experienced. If none of you have such experience, you may design and furnish a kindergarten department as you imagine it to be. The idea of the physical environment as the third teacher should be the focal point of the assignment. Reflect and discuss the choices you make based on the various characteristics and what can promote, or inhibit, the intended group of children’s participation, exploration, play and learning. 

If you do not have the opportunity to meet physically in groups, the assignment can also be carried out online using digital tools.

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